Health & Safety

Agility is committed to delivering consistently high standards of quality, service, and safety across its Group companies. We aim to achieve this through sustainable practices, operational resilience, environmental protection, robust processes, and protecting stakeholder assets.  We strive to make our workplaces secure and safe, and actively foster a culture of continual improvement and innovation

Global Quality, Environment, Health, Safety & Security Policy

As described in our QEHSS policy, we adopt best practices, safe work procedures, and dynamic operational and administrative systems to make our workplaces safe. This includes:

  • Efficient and safe business process design and deployment, high service standards, and a commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • Protection of the environment, including waste minimization, the prevention of pollution, and efficient use of resources and energy.
  • Addressing security threats and vulnerabilities and eliminating security breaches and stakeholder asset losses.
  • Mitigating hazards, reducing occupational health and safety risks, preventing work-related injuries, and fostering an environment focused on good health and well-being.

Health & Safety Management Approach

While our health & safety values and overarching aims are consistent across the group, we have diverse holdings and companies operating across a range of locations and industries. Our focus is on ensuring that strong governance and health & safety are deeply embedded across all of our businesses. Each Agility subsidiary is responsible for implementing its health & safety strategy, but each must adhere to the group-level policy as a minimum.

I understand how this would work in the context of sustainability, but it sounds like a dodge when you’re talking about health and safety. More important, it’s not necessary in order to make the point that BUs are responsible for their own HSE strategies.

Key Health and Safety Commitments


of eligible employees completed health and safety training over the last three years

Menzies completed an IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations in 2023 with zero findings.

Tristar again achieved its Goal Zero – operating without any facilities in 2023, an important statistic given its industry.

Health & Safety Highlights Across Our Businesses

All Agility businesses adhere to strict health and safety protocols, adapted to their unique company, industry, and geographic contexts. Each business has a delegated employee or team responsible for health and safety.  Businesses with material worker headcounts —  Menzies, Tristar, and Alliad — operate in highly regulated industries in which health and safety is especially important. Please see our 2023 sustainability report for more information about Health & Safety.

Safety in Aviation

Our biggest business, Menzies Aviation, is an industry leader in safety.  Menzies’ employees service airports and airlines, and therefore operate in potentially hazardous environments. Menzies is an industry leader in safety – its continually evolving safety program includes industry safety certifications, safety-focused partnerships with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and a dedicated internal program to embed a safety culture across the company.


Our biggest business, Menzies Aviation, is an industry leader in safety.  Menzies’ employees service airports and airlines, and therefore operate in potentially hazardous environments. Menzies is an industry leader in safety – its continually evolving safety program includes industry safety certifications, safety-focused partnerships with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and a dedicated internal program to embed a safety culture across the company.


Menzies’ M.O.R.S.E. (Menzies Operating Responsibly, Safely and Effectively) Code and Charter, along with its Golden Rules, encapsulates the Menzies safety culture and sets the company apart from competitors. The M.O.R.S.E. code sets the way Menzies works every day, ensuring its airline customers and the traveling public can trust every journey they take. It is embedded throughout the Menzies business, from its induction programs, initial and refresher training, safety, security and environmental promotions, incorporated onto uniforms, and features regularly in Menzies internal communications.


Menzies aims to have the best safety culture in the industry. Menzies wants all of its people to feel safe in their working environment, and provides the training and tools required for them to do their jobs safely and securely.

Zero injuries

Improve and increase hazards reporting and near-miss reporting by introducing frictionless reporting and loss-time reporting.

Zero damage

Invest in safety technology to such as SmartDrive and immersive 360-degree videos. Engage employees through gamification and continually promote Golden Rules.

Improve Menzies safety culture

Continue to embed the MORSE code and charter across the Menzies network. Focus on mentoring, improving supervision and oversight, and managing risk training.


Menzies has a “3 x D” strategy to help drive continual improvement.

  • Diagnose areas that can be improved;
  • Design to simplify, motivate and give people the ability to succeed; and
  • Deliver in collaboration with stakeholders
2023 Progress
External Audits (2022) 1,058
Employee Personal Injury Rate (per 100 FTEs) 97%
Findings in Menzies’ 2023 IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations 0.096
Findings in Menzies’ 2023 IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations Zero findings
Safety Training Hours 1,917,273
Ground Handling Aircraft Damage Rate 15x lower than industry average
Industry average 6.2  Incidents per 10,000 turns
Menzies 0.41  Incidents per 10,000 turns
Safety in the downstream energy industry

Tristar is a recognized global leader in the downstream energy sector. Everyday Tristar employees work in potentially hazardous environments in downstream road and maritime transport, warehousing, remote and commercial fuels management, and gas & energy services. Tristar is a recognized global industry leader in safety.  Its continually evolving safety program includes industry safety certifications, awards and recognition, as well as safety-focused partnerships with industry associations, customers and other stakeholders, and a dedicated internal program to embed an industry-leading safety culture across the company.


Due to the nature of Tristar work, maintaining an effective safety culture is essential.  Customer, employee, and visitor wellbeing are always prioritized.


Tristar’s health & safety policy underscores its strong commitment to protecting and continually improving the health and safety of its employees, customers, contractors, visitors and the public at large. Every Tristar employee is authorized to refuse or to stop any unsafe work related with Tristar operations.


Tristar is committed to perform its business to the highest health, safety and environmental standards. As a Tristar employee you are fully authorized to refuse or to stop any unsafe work related with Tristar operations. Thanks
for your support to make Tristar even safer.

Eugene Mayne, Group CEO


Tristar aims to have a zero-incident work environment in all operations.  Tristar strives to achieve its ‘Goal Zero’ by continually improving the HSSEQ Management System and adapting best industry practices.

Zero injuries & incidents

Eliminate any work-related injury or safety incident.

Improve the Tristar safety culture

Continue to improve the safety environment by implementing a Plan – Do – Check – Act safety program, and by continuously communicating and engaging with employees through daily, weekly and quarterly training and awareness sessions.


Tristar employs a world-class HSEQ Management System that serves as guiding manual for all activities by maintaining a number of KPIs to continuously monitor and enhance performance.  Tristar’s HSE Management System is designed and built on  four major pillars: Education, Engineering, Enforcement, Evaluation.

Road Safety

Road safety remains a top priority. Tristar uses daily training and a consistent process of incident reporting, remediation, and capturing lessons learnt. Tristar’s road-safety program is part of r, training and mentoring, final evaluation, re-training and retention, vehicle standards, HSE critical equipment, maintenance staff, preventive maintenance, fatigue management, route hazard mapping, journey planning, journey monitoring, risk management, emergency response, incident management and continual improvement.

Tristar also invests in road-safety training across the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and  road-safety best practices in emerging and pioneer markets. The company has been a lead member at the Dubai Chamber Road Safety Task Force since 2014 as part of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety.



Maritime Safety

Tristar prioritizes safety for mariners and other stakeholders in maritime operations.  Tristar’s maritime-safety program focuses on safety-at-sea, maritime operations safety, mariner wellness and wellbeing through its mental wellness helplines & portals for all employees, drug & alcohol-free .  Tristar implements safety and operations annual testing programs, risk assessments, training & reflective learning programs.  The Tristar team also hosts annual safety days that are organized at Tristar ports & areas of operations.

Tristar is a signatory to the Neptune Declaration, which recognizes the shared responsibility of stakeholders to prioritize the health and wellbeing of people who work at sea. Tristar has been hosting the Safety at Sea conference for the last five years.

2023 Progress
Eligible Employees Completed Operational Health & Safety Training in 2023 100%
Recordable Injury Rate in 2023 0.01
High Consequence Injury Rate in 2023 0.01
PARAMETER 2021 2022 2023
Kilometer Driven 68,600,973 69,936,690 70,482,518
Manhours Worked 16,951,963 17,474,527 17,652,066
Number of HSE Incidents 18 17 18
Number of Fatalities at Work 0 0 0
Number of High Consequence Work Related Injuries 0 0 0
Number of Occupational Disease Cases 0 0 0
Number of LTI (if the casualty is not reporting on duty on next working day/his next shift) 1 1 1
Lost days (work related illness/disease/injury/sickness) 9 8 7
Fatality Rate 0.000 0.000 0.000
High Consequence Work Related Injuries Rate 0.000 0.000 0.000
Injury Rate 0.0118 0.0114 0.0113
Incident Rate 0.212 0.195 0.204
Occupational Disease Rate 0.000 0.000 0.000
Safety in Engineering & Construction, Supply Chain, Food & Life Support Services

Alliad is an industry leader in safety in the potentially hazardous construction, catering, supply chain, facilities management and related .  Alliad’s safety program includes a dedicated internal program to embed a safety culture across the company, as well as industry safety certifications.


Alliad is committed to protecting people, property, and the environment while ensuring customer satisfaction. With the theme “Creating a Positive HSE Culture,” Alliad is committed to never compromising on safety, compliance, and quality. All employees are engaged and trained to understand their responsibilities and empowered to act to protect clients, employees, and the environment.


Alliad is committed to delivering high standards of services to its customers; serving food and products that is always safe for human consumption,  protecting the health and safety of all of its interested parties and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.


Alliad’s goal is a zero safety-and-health incident worksite in all locations across all Alliad industries including construction, facilities management, food & life support services, supply chain, administration and any other work environment.


Alliad addresses health & safety challenges proactively by implementing a comprehensive QHSE system that includes HSE orientations, worker committee meetings, toolbox talks, trainings, hazard observations, inspections, risk assessments, drills, and monitoring with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).  This effective health and safety management system encourages hazard identification and reporting as part of normal work practices. Workers are urged to report unsafe conditions to promote workplace safety and prevent accidents before they occur.

The Alliad health & safety program is based on health & safety leadership and delegation, risk identification and management, implementing strong health & safety policies, conducting effective training and awareness programs, and executing target- and KPI-based health-andsafety programs that are continuously improved based on regular and transparent performance reporting.

2023 Progress
US Industry Average of LTI rate for GCC’s food services projects 0.9
GCC of LTI for GCC’s engineering and Construction projects 0.06
US Industry Average of LTI for GCC’s engineering and Construction projects 1.0
GCC of LTI for GCC’s engineering and Construction projects 0.16
Employee Personal Injury Rate (per 100 FTEs) 0.096
Certificate for Total Energy (Tilenga Project) 10M working hours without any LTI
Certificate from McDermott (Tilenga Project) 1 Million Working Hours without any LTI
Certificate from Tecnicas Reunidas (TR Habshan Project) 60 Million Working Hours without any LTI
Occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001 OHSMS (2022)
Recertification audit in (2023)
Manhours worked by 2,681 employees (2023) 7,794,703 manhours on average
Food Poisoning Incidents 0 Reported
Emergency exercise conducted (2023) 280
Fatalities 0
Warehouses Certified to ISO 45001 (DRC Operations) 6
Hazard Observations 3,357 reported
Near misses (2023) 145 reported
Major Environment Pollution/ Spill Incidents 0 Reported
HSE Training Hours Increased 136,176 hours (2023)

67,774 hours (2022)
Low Health and Safety incident rate 3 lost time injuries (LTI)
8 recordable injuries recorded
0.077 incident rate for LTI
0.282 total recordable injury rate