Environmental Progress

Agility is committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our various businesses and working with partners across the value chain to reduce our collective impact on climate change. Each of our businesses has its own sustainability roadmap, based on its sector and the geographies in which they operate.


of our business by headcount, representing 95%+ of total emissions, is committed to reaching net zero by 2050 or earlier

Menzies received SBTI approved for its science-backed targets in 2024

Global Quality, Environment, Health, Safety & Security Policy Standards

Agility is committed to delivering consistently high standards of quality, service, and safety. We aim to achieve this through sustainable practices, operational resilience, environmental protection, robust processes, and protecting stakeholder assets.

Partnering For Progress

Agility is a founding member of the First Mover’s Coalition, launched by the World Economic Forum to scale procurement and development of net-zero technology. We are also part of the Road Freight Zero coalition, designed to advance the deployment of zero emission fleets and infrastructure by 2030.

Environmental Management Approach

While our environmental values and overarching aims are consistent across the group, we have diverse holdings and companies operating across a range of locations and industries. Our subsidiaries have varying impacts, strengths, and levels of maturity. Consequently, it is more effective for them to implement their own tailored environment strategies than to adopt a single one-size-fits-all approach. Each Agility subsidiary is responsible for implementing its strategy, following group-level goals as a minimum.

Due to the diverse industries and geographies in which our subsidiaries operate, they have differing levels of impact and control over their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other issues such as water and waste. Our focus is on ensuring that strong governance and environmental sustainability are deeply embedded across all of our businesses.

Agility Group Total GHG Emissions in 2023

Scope 1 emissions (tonnes CO2e)
Scope 2 emissions (tonnes CO2e)
Scope 3 emissions (tonnes CO2e)
Gross Total Emissions: 3,838,726

1Reported groupwide emissions include 100% of all reported subsidiary emissions, including Tristar’s emissions, which had previously been reported at 65.12%, proportional to Agility’s ownership share. See page 53 for further notes on our emissions reporting. For a complete breakdown of Tristar and Menzies Scope 3 emissions, the two entities most comprehensively reporting Scope 3 emissions, please view page 24 of Menzies 2023 sustainability report and pages 62-64 of Tristar’s 2023 sustainability report.

Current Emissions Across Our Businesses

Businesses Scope 1 (KG CO2) Scope 2 (KG CO2) Scope 3 (CO2) Total (CO2) Tons % of Group CO2 Tons
Tristar 55,229 1,536 2,010,142 2,066,907 96.23%
Menzies 36,648 8,035 9 44,692 2.08%
UPAC 6 11,777 4,305 16,088 0.75%
GCC 7,399 1,059 2,158 10,616 0.49%
Shipa Delivery 3,625 827 1,257 5,709 0.27%
ALP 518 2,367 970 3,855 0.18%
GCS 0.00 66 24 90 0.00%
Shipa Ecomm 0.00 36 11 47 0.00%
MRC N/R N/R N/R 0.00 0.00%
Shipa Freight N/R N/R N/R 0.00 0.00%
Total 103,425 25,703 2,018,876 2,148,004 100%

Scope 3 emissions for Tristar are included, as well as limited Scope 3 emissions information from Menzies, which will improve its Scope 3 reporting in 2023. ALP, GCC, Agility Corporate and our other companies are not reporting Scope 3 emissions this year except as a factor of upstream emissions from fuel and electricity consumption.

Environmental Highlights Across Our Businesses

  • Our biggest business, Menzies Aviation, has set science-based targets to achieve net zero across all three scopes by 2045. This commitment was a first for the aviation services sector and sets ambitious milestones internally and within its value chain. Menzies’ net-zero targets were approved by the SBTi in June 2024As part of the company’s analysis of Scope 3 emissions, it also focused on improving waste data in 2023. Due to the complex and varied locations Menzies serves, the company will continue setting region-specific targets to drive progress. 
  • Aiming for 25% global motorized electric ground support equipment (GSE) by 2025, Menzies takes an “electric first” approach to all new GSE investmentMenzies has 340+ new fully electric ground service vehicles, and 40%+ of ground support equipment in Europe is electricThe company’s refurbishment and repower workshops in the LAX (Los Angeles) and LAS (Las Vegas) airports convert diesel baggage tractors to electric. 
  • In August 2023, Menzies made the transition to a biodegradable plastic — BioNatur Plastic™ — for its cargo operations at four US locations. The switch reduced long-term plastic waste by the equivalent of 4 million+ 16 oz plastic bottles from August to December 2023.

  • Tristar is committed to 2050 net zero emissions, aligning with the UAE’s 2050 net zero target. 
  • The company saw a 46% reduction in energy consumption and 13% reduction in water use from 2022 
  • 2,450 MWh of clean energy generated from renewable sources was consumed in 2023; and 943,860 liters of b5 biodiesel was used in Tristar operations. 
  • Tristar launched its Clean Energy Division in 2023 as a new initiative to decarbonize its operations and work with like-minded partners to bring sustainable solutions to market to help achieve low-carbon transformation and net-zero targets. 
  • Tristar’s net zero roadmap is strategically designed to focus on fuel switching, electrification, energy efficiency, and the sale of low-carbon fuels. This comprehensive plan includes six distinct target approaches and 26 interventions, with 18 prioritized across its various business verticals. 
  • Tristar’s decarbonization strategy encompasses integrating renewable energy sources such as solar, biodiesel, and hydrogen. The company is investing in electrification initiatives, transitioning its fleet from traditional fuel-powered vehicles to electric vehicles and implementing electric forklifts in its warehouses. 
  • Tristar is exploring new industry innovations, engineering technologies, and alternate fuels to improve the fuel efficiency of its vessels and reduce its carbon emission as part of the energy transition. 
  • Tristar is a founding member of the First Movers Coalition, an initiative to decarbonize heavy industry. One of the coalition’s goals is to have at least 5% of deep-sea shipping powered by zero emissions fuels by 2030. 
  • Tristar represents the Transport and Mobility sector in the UNGC UAE Climate Action Taskforce, which consists of over 30 companies from various sectors. 

  • Our Agility Logistics Parks (ALP) business is building new warehousing complexes with sustainability features.
  • ALP’s Riyadh logistics park in Saudi Arabia was the first warehousing facility in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to receive EDGE Advanced certification as a green building. The construction is at least 40% more energy efficient than the national average and is a ‘zero-carbon ready’ structure. Following EDGE-certification of the Riyadh logistics park, other sites in Ivory Coast, India and other countries are in progress.
  • ALP achieved EDGE Advanced (zero-carbon ready) certification for all of its warehouses in Abidjan.  It was the first warehouse company in Ivory Coast and West Africa to achieve this certificationThe Abidjan warehouses are at least 40% more energy efficient than others in the market. 
  • Following EDGE-certification of the Riyadh and Ivory Coast logistics parks, other sites in Africa and India are in progress. 
  • In India, installation works have started for a 1 MW solar plant at ALP’s warehouse in Bangalore. This would be Agility’s third warehouse in India with a solar plant. 
  • ALP has installed a water treatment plant on site in Mozambique, where site soil conditions do not allow for traditional sewage systems and the cost of operating septic tanks is high.  The ALP plant will clean up to 20,000 liters of sewage per day. The company is also adding a similar treatment plant in Tema, Ghana, 
  • The ALP developments in Côte D’Ivoire, Ghana, and Mozambique have active waste management programs in operation, separating waste on site.  ALP Africa is actively working to encourage and increase the availability of recycling services in each country where it operates.  
  • The Kuwait South Village logistics project incorporates high-level specifications and world-leading standards. The development’s planned district cooling system, Kuwait’s first in the logistics industry, will reduce electricity consumption from air conditioning by more than 40% compared to traditional air-conditioning systems. 

  • Energy and emissions: Six Alliad warehouses are now powered by solar panels in the Republic of the Congo 
  • Alliad’s comprehensive water management program ensures prioritization of water efficiency and reduced consumption where possible. The company regularly engages with suppliers, local communities and other stakeholders to implement best practice and protect water resources, and aims to set water consumption targets by early 2024. 
  • Emissions are measured and tracked in real time using digital tracking software. Camp sites are powered by solar panels where possible. 

  • In 2023, Shipa Ecommerce focused on preparing its systems for emissions reporting and raising employee awareness on sustainability.
  • Shipa Ecommerce is partnering with a specialist waste management firm to recycle and refurbish undelivered packages.
  • Shipa Freight is partnering with an emissions calculation platform to enable customers to understand and mitigate delivery carbon footprint.
  • Shipa Delivery transitioned to biodegradable pouches for document delivery to reduce plastic use, and also developed and implemented a route optimization tool to enhance delivery efficiency, reducing carbon emissions.
  • Shipa Delivery is partnering with a major customer to introduce hybrid vehicles in Kuwait for last mile deliveries.