18 shipping, airlines and logistics industry CEOs sign vaccine-delivery charter
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The unprecedented magnitude of the pandemic requires innovative and bold collective action from multinational organizations, governments and industries for inclusive and efficient distribution of safe vaccines. With lives and livelihoods of millions across the globe depending on multiple stakeholders harnessing the power of collective action – whether in the field of health delivery, goods delivery or humanitarian service delivery, the logistics sector and UNICEF will play a central role in vaccine distribution.
Recognizing this need, 18 shipping, airlines and logistics industry CEOs, the Executive Director of UNICEF, and the President of the World Economic Forum, have signed a charter supporting UNICEF and COVAX countries in four main ways:
Engage with governments, customs authorities, UNICEF and other UN Agencies, and NGOs
Participate in operational asset and competency sharing
Assign expertise to support governments, where requested by UNICEF
Support UNICEF’s Global Vaccine Logistics Distribution, for COVID-19, with prioritization and solutions for international and in country distribution of vaccines and related supplies on behalf of the COVAX facility